Project Description

Grant making in Yorkshire & Humber


Research on funding to voluntary organisations in the Yorkshire and Humber region. This project was commissioned from Rocket Science by a group of local funders (The National Lottery Community Fund, Two Ridings Community Foundation, Leeds Community Foundation, and the Yorkshire Funders Forum). It aimed increase the knowledge of the ‘funding ecology’ within the region to encourage greater collaboration between funders and greater awareness among national funders of how their funding could better target gaps and lack of weighting towards the region.

The research explored two main areas:

  • Analysis of grant making using open grant making data from 360Giving and survey data from local funders and local authorities.
  • Analysis of Charity Commission data on charities registered in the region

Type: Data analysis, data visualisation

Date: November 2021

Copyright: Yorkshire Funders Forum

Output: Report, Interactive dashboard

Topic: Grant making, charities

Tool(s): Python, Excel, Google Data Studio, Datawrapper

Type: Data analysis, data visualisation

Date: November 2021

Copyright: Yorkshire Funders Forum

Output: Report, Interactive dashboard

Topic: Grant making, charities

Tool(s): Python, Excel, Google Data Studio, Datawrapper


Research on funding to voluntary organisations in the Yorkshire and Humber region. This project was commissioned from Rocket Science by a group of local funders (The National Lottery Community Fund, Two Ridings Community Foundation, Leeds Community Foundation, and the Yorkshire Funders Forum). It aimed increase the knowledge of the ‘funding ecology’ within the region to encourage greater collaboration between funders and greater awareness among national funders of how their funding could better target gaps and lack of weighting towards the region.

The research explored two main areas:

  • Analysis of grant making using open grant making data from 360Giving and survey data from local funders and local authorities.
  • Analysis of Charity Commission data on charities registered in the region