Project Description

UK Civil Society Almanac


Between 2018 and 2020, I’ve been leading on the UK Civil Society Almanac  a programme of work on the UK charity sector, its size, finances, workforce and volunteering. It is based on data of more than 160,000 charities as well as making use of official surveys by the ONS and DCMS.

My responsibilities included:

  • Managing a project team during all stages of data collection, analysis and communication.
  • Producing a rangeof outputs (website, pdf summary report, blog posts, research briefings, additional insight pieces).
  • Ensuring outputs meet internal and external user needs and are informed by user research.
  • Overseeing the organisation of technical aspects of the project to ensure long-term sustainability, including implementation of standards, code review processes and documentation.
  • Undertaking analysis and data visualisation using a range of tools, in particular Python, SQL, and Datawrapper.

Type: Analysis, data visualisation, policy research, product design

Date: 2018-2020

Copyright: NCVO

Output: Website, Blog, pdf summary report

Topic: Charities, volunteering, workforce, open data

Tool(s): Python, SQL, Excel, Datawrapper

Type: Analysis, data visualisation, policy research, product design

Date: 2018-2020

Copyright: NCVO

Output: Website, Blog, pdf summary report

Topic: Charities, volunteering, workforce, open data

Tool(s): Python, SQL, Excel, Datawrapper


Between 2018 and 2020, I’ve been leading on the UK Civil Society Almanac  a programme of work on the UK charity sector, its size, finances, workforce and volunteering. It is based on data of more than 160,000 charities as well as making use of official surveys by the ONS and DCMS.

My responsibilities included:

  • Managing a project team during all stages of data collection, analysis and communication.
  • Producing a rangeof outputs (website, pdf summary report, blog posts, research briefings, additional insight pieces).
  • Ensuring outputs meet internal and external user needs and are informed by user research.
  • Overseeing the organisation of technical aspects of the project to ensure long-term sustainability, including implementation of standards, code review processes and documentation.
  • Undertaking analysis and data visualisation using a range of tools, in particular Python, SQL, and Datawrapper.