Data visualisation, storytelling, UX
I’m an experienced analyst and I enjoy working with all kinds of data — quant and qual, big and small.
Python is my go to for data collection, cleaning and analysis. I can help with webscraping, analysing large amounts of texts, geospatial data and more.
Sketchbook drawings, digital doodles or Figma wireframes: Design plays a big part in my life.
I use code (geopandas, matplotlib, streamlit) and no code tools (Datawrapper, Flourish, QGIS) to create infographics , maps, dashboards and more.
I use data to inform policy making, strategic decisions and product roadmaps.
I can translate research findings and technical speak into engaging stories. My outputs are clear, concise and actionable.
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Latest articles
How to create storyboards for your product vision using generative AI
Storyboards hold great value for product design. This is how I used Midjourney to create a storyboard to support our product vision and roadmap.
Six things I learned by tracking my plastic waste everyday in 2021
In 2021, I was tired of not being able to do a single shopping without plastic. So I tracked our plastic waste for an entire year to better understand and reduce our footprint. This is what I learned [...]
The best free tools for data viz and data for good
A few months ago I started sharing #ThursdayTools with my team and these might be useful for others too. So here are my top open source, non-code tools for data viz, data for good, charity data, maps, infographics and more [...]